Margie's Ethics

Honestly, it's hard for me to give a description of what I'm doing because everybody can do it if you put your heart into it.  

I work with an honest mind and a humble heart with a touched of perfectionism! 

I praise God for the things I do because without Him I can't do anything!

In every job I have worked at, (before being a part of the Red Oak Nursery) I always put my heart, mind and soul into my job -  not the monetary behind it. Of course, I need the money but you have to give the best work possible.

This is my greatest satisfaction and accomplishment and joy in everything I do; it might be working in the office, flipping burgers, or cleaning, & now -in the nursery; I'm doing bookkeeping, planting, trimming, pulling plants order and etc....

I said no one can duplicate the work I do unless you have these personal attributes:   

love, hard work, honest with a free  spirit flowing around you that gives you positive attitudes and heart that is always longing for perfection [meaning no short cuts]. 


give thanks to WHOM these attributes come from that evolve around you.

the farm
everyone worked
in the fields
corn in silo
Ahhhh...the corn crop - a staple for
the food animals, the table & the stable.

And so . . .

This explains Why I became A Grower.

 Simply stated -

"It’s the family business."






Gene & watermelons
Dad in orange grove
in the
Florida orange grove
man & his equipment

 Like all immigrants to America, opportunity and a “better life” were the objectives.

Once allowed to step ashore, some of us remained in the cities while others ventured into the western regions of this vast country. 

 The beckoning open lands,  believed  to be uncultivated and unowned, invited the white Europeans, hungry for land, to claim a portion for their very own.






 My ancestors,

stepping ashore in the


were no different.










This is who we are



farm horse

Everyone worked.
                            Beast of burden -
for work & pleasure
There was dining al fresco
and there was leisure.
fun 2
Replicating the lifestyle
y abandoned in the old country,
they set about vigorously clearing
the forest to create open spaces
necessary for growing crops -
first feed the family & livestock
 & then to sell.

Taking great pride in their
photography documented all.


corn crop
From growing watermelons...


RON photo
The fields,
the barns,
the farm houses,
the live stock,
the harvested crops,
the equipment,
the children
were repeatedly
in an effort
to estabish
the credibility
of their success
for generations to come.
became the reality it is today...