Dwarf  Papaya


Papaya TR Hovey is NonGMO.  It is a dwarf that can start bearing within 1 yr.  Mature height is approximately  8 feet. 

Culture:      Easy to grow.    Containers 15g, or in ground,  in a warm location. 

Light:            Mostly sun is the best, but part day sun in a bright location will work also.

Nutrition:   Mix in 9 oz of VitaLime dolomite or Sunnyland dolomite /cu ft for containers;  for field soil mix in 1 oz/ sq ft.  Do not use other dolomites or other forms of Lime. Repeat Lime applications 1 time per yr at ½ rate.  Moderate fertilizer rates.   

Espoma Plant Tone   would be excellent for at least 50% of the nutrition using it at ½ rate, or 100% using ¾ label rate.   Espoma is organic with a broad range of nutrients and a moderate basic microbial package. Plants can only have nutrients in their produce that is available in the soil. 

To grow ‘High Nutrient Dense’ food we need to give the vegetables and fruit we grow the greatest range of macro, micro nutrients as well as minor elements in chelated and sulfate forms and trace elements. If we grow plants in soil that does not contain these they cannot be in the produce from these plants.

Fertilizer can be reduced to ½ rate if the following are used: 1 to 2 applications/month: Seaweed Extract at label rate + a liquid feed ½ maximum rate applied to foliage and soil along with Dextrose 1.5 tsp/g, Tall Harvest SumaGrow Inside.   The Seaweed extract contains trace elements and increases the uptake of nitrogen and iron and reduces plant stress.  Tall Harvest SumaGrow is a polymicrobial solution that increases the uptake of all nutrients including phosphorus that plants need for energy and is a stress reducer for all stressors (heat, cold, wet, dry) and may increase the taste of the produce.  Azomite is a great source of trace elements that may be used for fruits & veggies 3 tsp /3g pot 4x/yr; field soil apply 8 oz/ tree in the root zone in early fall and mid spring.

To improve cold hardiness apply the special high Calcium Carbonate lime when planting and 1 time every yr in late winter or early spring of the type mentioned above;  the Azomite;  dried Seaweed extract ¼ tsp /gallon 20-10-20 liquid feed at ¼ label rate, Tall Harvest SumaGrow ¼ tsp/g, Non-fat powdered milk 3 tsp/g applied 1 or 2 times/month.  Start fertilizing in the spring as soon as frost danger is over.  Apply last app of Espoma in early Oct.  Foliar feed spraying both foliage and the soil can continue yr around.  Potassium silicate is also good for plant health & cold hardiness add to liquid sprays 1 to 2 tsp/g. 

This Papaya is very productive, but if it seems slow to set fruit, the spray with a mixture of apple cidar vinegar : household ammonia 2.5 oz : 1.25 oz / gallon plus a little Manganese.  Repeat in 2 wks if the 1slt application has no effect.