gene sigmargie
Biological Horticulture  =  Synergy  =  Sustainable  =
happy flower
Member:  GI-BMP   
Our sales, made only to retail nurseries in our area, and our Team, which is local,
result in less tailgate emmissions.


Plants are

practically like people.  

It is universally understood that giving

a child a good start in life generally produces desirable results. 





like people,

require a good start in life.


To flourish & "prosper", feeding the plant with proper nutrition,  during its developmental period, is of utmost importance.


Red Oak Nursery

applies this mantra in the  practice of

 biological horticulture*

Our goal is simple.

Create a

nutrient dense plant.   


A nutrient dense plant will be stronger,

 and naturally have

other sought-after qualities,

that we all desire,

such as superior

structure, branching & flower.


Most importantly, our plants will oftentimes be more disease resistant coupled with the ability to defend itself against pest induced problems. 





5.  Quality Control

We are fortunate to enjoy

 a most unusual

Support Crew.

We think of them as our "Team"

since all are have been with us

from 6 to 16 years and

a.   thoroughly understand their daily, regular assigned tasks;

b.  work together as a cohesive unit,

all being cross-trained.






                5.   Environmental Consciousness
                                 and Sustainability
             results in a smaller ecological footprint.



  4.   Quality Control     consists of Margie & Team pulling (selecting) only the best available out of each "block" of every variety of plant  ordered.   At this time, nutrition and moisture levels are checked and adjusted accordingly just before leaving our premises.



florida friendly landscaping
Red Oak Nursery
is not corporate.
We are family owned
Because we live onsite,
constantly in touch with
what we are growing,
our plants benefit from the 7/24 personal attention
received at
Red Oak Nursery.

We feel confident to boast
we are
the uber nursery.
*Biological Horticulture

farming using the appropriate combinations &quantities of organic & synthetic nutrients soil & foliar applications, such as (major N-P-K Ca, minors Mg, Fe, Bo, Mn, Zn, Mo, trace elements in Sea90, Azomite, CalPhos, vitamins, hormones, and natural phenols) to produce Nutrient Dense Plants (NDP).
At the same time, being environmentally conscious,
our goal is to continually strive for the reduction in the application of all
nutrients & pesticides, both synthetic (chemical) and organic.
Additionally, less water consumption is always our objective.

Calcium (Ca) is "king of minerals" in the soil,
In the world of plant nutrients, without the right amount of Ca in the soil, other soil nutrients cannot function efficiently no matter what the soil pH may be.
60 to 80% of soil nutrients should be Ca  -  sand requiring the least (amount of Ca).
The increased presence of clay in the soil  -  the more Ca is required.
High organic (peat, composts) require even greater concentration of Ca.

Ratios of minerals, in combination with Ca, are also a factor,
particularly effecting how the soil assimilates water.
The presence of Ca is critical for buildng strong cell walls, enabling plants to resist - even"wall-off" - disease, preventing leakage of sugars that attract insect pests.
Silicate, boron and phosphorus are also critical & influence the interactions
occurring within the plant. 

" Feed the soil and the soil will feed the plant".

       And, our delivery vans are insulated (top & sides) and vented as well.
        Additionally, the night before leaving,
we cool our vans in the summer and heat them in the winter.
These efforts, we believe, reduce plant stress while in transit.

Our Team, valued by us, understands the importance of their role in the production of high quality plants - continually seeking methods to minimize errors and improve observation & reporting. 

Acting as a comprehensive unit, the Team creates the plant care necessary to maintain our high standards.

Margie 2
This eggplant
had a

start in life."
Eggplt not fr RON

Delighted owners of

 plants purchased from their favorite retail nursery

that come from

Red Oak Nursery


day in and day out,

be rewarded with

 lasting, fruitful, satisfying and

colorful beauties.

The added value offered by our biological



includes living microbes,

mycorrhizhae and a slow release of other



All togerther,

we believe

our method of growing plants offers the best available encapsulated nutrient technology. 



Our customers say

. . . plants looked as good as the
best or better than
the next best on arrival,
but the biggest and  the most noticeable
difference is that a month later,
plants may even look better
than when they arrived."
After application of
other nutritionals
Red Oak Nursery
Mr Stacky 2

Biological Horticulture*

  -  Natural  -

-  Sustainable  -



1.    Special microbrical enriched soil for optimum plant growth.
2.   Mycorrhiazae inoculated to create a lasting nutritional base.
3.   Treated with    
microbes     reduce typical plant stressors of
Heat     Cold     Dry    Wet    Wind.

Reduction of Stress = Successful Gardening.
The Apartment Dweller can enjoy
gardening success with lush
and other green "eatables" grown in

treated with


Our  Philosophy  of  Production



Eggplant gene












 Red Oak Nursery


Red Oak
Nursery -
not treated with







· Plants become stronger & healthier

· Reduces fertilizer & water input

· Increases plant quality & yield

· Reduces soil erosion & nutrient leaching






A year later.
Same timeframe -

Same location -
Same pot -
Same growing

Not from
 Mr Stacky
M A logo